Friday, March 24, 2023

Hoodwink, Discombobulate, Bamboozle

The original human dream which led to the creation of the short story “Synthetic Hormone Tribunal.”

Dreams are rich sources of imagery.

University tribunal, Professor rescues my job, Trams to school, equipment, the board game map is a tree.

Having done the thing, I found the keystone. A bookend for my days. Times when completely off the track leading to one regular habit. Time bores deep when time goes asleep. There's something validating about striving. I say I am worthy, I am enough, I suffice. Confident, cocky, lazy, dead. Hubris is unwashed, respect yourself or wreck yourself. Start slowly to finish quickly. Never got around to finding myself but then I checked between the couch cushions. Mom helped with processing my emotions. With two children under the age of four. In a new country with a new language and new health surprises, she practiced in her profession and succeeded in her career. The race begins and some step back. Neurosis is a measure of emotional instability. Score low and it is very hard to be unseated. I was neurotic as a child, this was a good thing because it lead to building better castles in the swamp. The third one sank but the fourth one stayed up. Tracts of land. Outbursts of synthetic hormones leading to societal collapse. Babalaba-ding-dong. Two fish gone honey. 

Gropius in 12 lines times 4 words

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