Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Idea 99: 8th Coven, 2nd Broom, Company B

Every square unit of area we take from the enemy is hard fought and dearly paid for in life. We find ourselves in dire straits. We keep going. -- from the Journal of Pvt. Blair during the assault on Cyclopea Three during the Witch Wars of 3431.

"Get back up there!"
"You're not the boss of me!
"Oh yes I am,"
"Argh! Yes you are!"
"She's gonna want to see progress!"
The cackle of the witch sergeant was full throated and high pitched at the same time. It struck a nerve deep in the ancestral coccyx and made you twitch and spasm in fearful sparks of pain.

Gropius in 12 lines times 4 words

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