Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Unformatted Sketch of a scene from a feature we'd like to see.


There is a UNWASHED HUMAN reclining in trash piled up against a richly decorated wall. The room is the child of the Paris Opera and the Palace of Versailles. There are two doors. One on either side of the room. Before long, one door opens and a COIFFED HUMAN enters slowly with downcast eyes as if ashamed to look.
UH: Come on then.
CH: Can we talk about this?
UH: You won't listen, what's to say?
The Unwashed Human arranges the trash piled around itself in a meticulous manner as if arranging flower petals into a mandala. The Coiffed Human is utterly ignored.
CH: See you.
The Unwashed Human has a cut lip and there are open sores on its bare feet.
UH: You won't. Can't leave the way you came in.
CH: I will.
UH: Someone will. Won't be you.
CH: I don't want to end up like you.
UH: You won't. I stayed. You're going.
CH: You know what I meant.
Coiffed Human moves quickly for the other door but makes an about turn when nearly there and almost runs back through the door they came in.

Gropius in 12 lines times 4 words

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